Why the Angel Juicer 5500 is a Must-Have for Every Juice Lover?


Angel Juicer 5500

If you’re a juice lover, then you know how important it is to have a reliable juicer in your kitchen. The Angel Juicer 5500 is one of the most popular and well-respected juicers on the market, and there are plenty of reasons why it's a must-have for every juice enthusiast. In this blog post, they will explore 10 reasons why the Angel-Juicer 5500 should be at the top of your list when searching for a juicer. We’ll discuss its features, its benefits, and why it’s the best choice for your juicing needs.

High Quality And Durable Build

When it comes to investing in a juicer, you want to ensure that it is of high quality and will last you a long time. The Angel-Juicer 5500 does not disappoint in this aspect. It is constructed with the highest quality materials such as surgical-grade stainless steel and high-quality silicone rubber. This ensures that the juicer is durable and can withstand daily use without wear and tear. You won't have to worry about replacing it anytime soon as it is built to last. This makes it a worthy investment for any juice lover. The materials used in the juicer also make it easy to clean and maintain. You can simply rinse it with water after use, and it will be good as new. This makes it a great option for those who lead busy lives and want a juicer that is easy to use and clean. 

Multifunctional Juicer

One of the main benefits of the Angel-Juicer 5500 is its multi-functionality. This juicer is not only great for juicing fruits and vegetables, but it can also be used for making nut butter, sorbets, and even pasta dough. Making nut butter with the Angel-Juicer 5500 is incredibly easy. Simply feed nuts such as almonds, cashews, or peanuts into the machine, and it will grind them into a creamy and delicious nut butter that can be used for spreading, baking, or cooking. The juicer also comes with attachments that allow you to make your own sorbets. This means that you can create delicious and healthy frozen desserts by simply feeding frozen fruit into the juicer. And if you're in the mood for some homemade pasta, the Angel-Juicer 5500 can help with that too. With the right attachment, you can make fresh pasta dough that can be used to create a variety of pasta shapes and styles.

Easy To Use And Clean

One of the biggest advantages of the Angel-Juicer 5500 is its user-friendliness. Even if you are a beginner at juicing, you will find it easy to use. The juicer comes with a user manual that clearly explains every step of the juicing process, making it effortless to use. What's more, cleaning the Angel-Juicer 5500 is just as easy as using it. The juicer's parts can be easily detached and cleaned in a matter of minutes. Simply rinse the parts with water and dry them thoroughly before reassembling them. Unlike other juicers that can take up a lot of time and effort to clean, the Angel-Juicer 5500 simplifies the cleaning process, making it convenient for daily use. Also, the juicer is dishwasher safe, which further simplifies the cleaning process. Just place the parts in the dishwasher, and you are done! However, it is always recommended to hand wash the juicer to increase its longevity.

Retains Nutrients And Enzymes In Juice

When it comes to juicing, retaining as many nutrients and enzymes as possible is key. The Angel-Juicer 5500 is designed with this in mind, utilizing a slow juicing process to extract the maximum amount of nutrition from fruits and vegetables.  This is because the juicer's dual gears rotate at a slow speed of 82 RPM, ensuring that minimal heat is produced during the juicing process. This means that nutrients and enzymes are not destroyed due to heat and the juice produced has more vitamins, minerals, and enzymes compared to other high-speed juicers. Additionally, the Angel-Juicer 5500's gears are made of stainless steel and feature a unique design that mimics the way our teeth crush and grind food, further aiding in the preservation of nutrients.  With the Angel-Juicer 5500, you can be confident that your juices are packed with all the nutrition your body needs. So, whether you are juicing for health reasons or simply love the taste, this juicer is the perfect choice for you.

Quiet Operation

One of the standout features of the Angel-Juicer 5500 is its quiet operation. Unlike many other juicers on the market, this machine doesn't make a loud noise that can disrupt your household or wake up sleeping family members. This is because the Angel-Juicer 5500 uses a slow juicing process that operates at a low RPM. This not only reduces noise but also allows the juicer to extract the maximum amount of juice from your produce. Whether you're an early riser looking to make your morning juice without disturbing your partner or a busy parent trying to make healthy snacks for your kids while they nap, the Angel-Juicer 5500 is the perfect solution. You can juice all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens without waking up your household or damaging your hearing. Plus, the low RPM also ensures that your juice retains the maximum amount of nutrients and enzymes, giving you a healthier and more delicious drink.

So if you're looking for a juicer that's both effective and discreet, the Angel-Juicer 5500 is the perfect choice. It's quiet, easy to use, and produces some of the most nutrient-rich juice you'll ever taste. Give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself!

A Wide Range Of Ingredients Can Be Juiced

The Angel-Juicer 5500 is not limited to just juicing fruits and vegetables. It can also handle leafy greens, wheatgrass, nuts, and soybeans, and even make nut butter and baby food. The juicer’s powerful and slow extraction process is ideal for extracting maximum nutrients and flavors from different types of produce. This means that you can make a variety of juices from different ingredients to cater to different health needs and taste preferences. With this juicer, you can unleash your creativity in the kitchen and experiment with various juice recipes that are packed with nutrients. Moreover, juicing a wide range of ingredients allows you to consume different nutrients that are important for your overall health. From immunity-boosting antioxidants to anti-inflammatory compounds, you can get it all from the Angel-Juicer 5500.

Juices Large Amounts Of Produce At Once

One of the standout features of the Angel-Juicer 5500 is its ability to juice large amounts of produce at once. This is thanks to the juicer's twin gears that work together to quickly and efficiently extract juice from fruits and vegetables. With other juicers, you may find yourself having to stop frequently to empty the pulp container or clean out the juicing chamber. But with the Angel-Juicer 5500, you can juice continuously without having to pause and restart.

This makes the juicer perfect for juicing for multiple people or preparing large batches of juice for storage. You won't have to worry about spending hours juicing small quantities of produce. Instead, you can quickly and easily juice a large quantity of produce in a short amount of time. Plus, because the Angel-Juicer 5500 is a slow juicer, it ensures maximum juice yield, meaning you'll get more juice out of each piece of produce. And thanks to the juicer's minimal pulp waste, you can feel confident that you're not wasting any precious nutrients or ingredients.

Whether you're a juice bar owner or simply a dedicated home juicer, the Angel-Juicer 5500 is a must-have for its ability to handle large amounts of produce with ease and efficiency.

Slow Juicing Process Increases Juice Yield

One of the biggest advantages of the Angel-Juicer 5500 is its slow juicing process, which increases the yield of juice from each ingredient. The juicer operates at a low speed of 82 RPMs, compared to traditional high-speed juicers that can spin at up to 15,000 RPMs. This slow juicing process ensures that every last drop of juice is extracted from the produce, resulting in more juice and less waste. The slow juicing process of the Angel-Juicer 5500 also helps to preserve the nutrients and enzymes in the juice. High-speed juicers generate heat and friction, which can damage the delicate nutrients and enzymes in the juice. The Angel-Juicer 5500's low-speed juicing process ensures that the juice is not heated, which helps to retain its nutritional value. Furthermore, the slow juicing process also allows the Angel-Juicer 5500 to handle a wide range of ingredients, including leafy greens, hard fruits and vegetables, and even wheatgrass. The juicer's powerful motor and efficient design mean that it can juice large amounts of produce at once, without sacrificing the quality of the juice.

Minimal Pulp Waste by Angel 5500

One of the most frustrating aspects of juicing is the amount of pulp waste produced. Thankfully, the Angel 5500 has addressed this problem with its efficient design that minimizes pulp waste. The juicer is designed with a unique dual-stage extraction process that separates the juice from the pulp, leaving behind a very dry pulp. This means you'll get the most out of your produce, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.  The Angel-Juicer 5500 is especially great for those who like to make juice in large quantities, as the juicer is able to juice a large amount of produce at once. And thanks to its slow juicing process, you can be sure you're getting the most juice possible out of your produce. With this machine, you'll be able to juice anything from leafy greens to hard fruits and vegetables with minimal waste. Minimal pulp waste also means less time spent cleaning up after juicing. With the Angel-Juicer 5500, the pulp is dry and easy to dispose of. Plus, the juicer is designed to be easy to clean, with removable parts that can be washed in the dishwasher.

Warranty And Customer Service

Another reason to invest in the Angel-Juicer 5500 is the excellent warranty and customer service provided by the manufacturer. The juicer comes with a 10-year warranty, which shows the confidence the company has in its product. If any defects or malfunctions occur within this period, the manufacturer will repair or replace the unit free of charge. The customer service team is also highly responsive and knowledgeable. If you have any questions or concerns about the juicer, they will be more than happy to assist you. Whether you need help with assembly, troubleshooting, or maintenance, they will provide you with prompt and helpful solutions.

In addition, the manufacturer offers a range of accessories and replacement parts to ensure your juicer stays in top working condition for years to come. This includes cleaning brushes, screens, and pushers, among other items. Overall, the Angel-Juicer 5500 provides a high-quality juicing experience, backed by an excellent warranty and customer service. Whether you're a novice juicer or a seasoned pro, this juicer is sure to impress with its ease of use, durability, and nutrient retention. Invest in this juicer today and start enjoying delicious and healthy juices at home.


In conclusion, the Angel-Juicer 5500 is an excellent investment for anyone who is serious about their health and wants to make delicious and nutritious juices at home. Its high-quality build, multifunctional design, easy-to-use operation, and ability to retain nutrients and enzymes make it a standout option among juicers in the market. Additionally, the Angel-Juicer 5500's quiet operation, a wide range of juicing capabilities, large production capacity, minimal pulp waste, and excellent warranty and customer service only add to its appeal. We highly recommend the Angel-Juicer 5500 to any juice lover out there looking for the perfect juicer for their home. Trust us, this juicer is a game-changer!

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