Why the Angel Juicer 8500 is the Best for Healthy Juicing?


Angel Juicer 8500

Are you looking for a reliable, robust, and efficient juicer that will provide you with healthy and delicious juice every time? Then you should consider the Angel-Juicer 8500. This innovative juicer is designed to extract the most juice from any fruit or vegetable while preserving all the beneficial nutrients and enzymes. In this blog post, they will discuss 12 reasons why the Angel Juicer 8500 is the best for healthy juicing.

Overview of the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s

When it comes to healthy juicing, the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s are among the top choices on the market. These juicers use twin-gear technology to extract juice from produce while retaining the maximum amount of nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants. The Angel-Juicer 8500 is the flagship model of the Angel Juicer brand, while the 8500s is an upgraded version with some additional features. Both models have a sleek and sturdy design, made from high-quality stainless steel and boasting a quiet operation.

Unlike centrifugal juicers, which rely on high-speed spinning blades that can heat up and damage the juice, the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s use a slow and gentle squeezing method. This results in juice that is richer in color, flavor, and nutritional content. Whether you are a health-conscious consumer or a professional juicer, the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s offer an unmatched level of performance and quality. In the next sections, we will explore the specific benefits and features of these juicers in more detail.

The benefits of cold-pressed juice

When it comes to juicing, the method you use can make a big difference in the nutritional value of your juice. Cold-pressed juice is often considered the gold standard because it retains more of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes found in fresh produce. Cold-pressed juicing involves slowly crushing and pressing the produce to extract the juice, using hydraulic pressure rather than heat. This process minimizes oxidation and preserves more of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can be lost with other juicing methods.

In contrast, centrifugal juicers use fast-spinning blades to shred the produce and extract the juice. This creates heat and can cause oxidation, which breaks down some of the beneficial compounds in the juice.  When you invest in a high-quality juicer like the Angel-Juicer 8500 or 8500s, you can be sure that you’re getting the maximum nutritional benefit from your fresh produce. The twin gear technology of the Angel-Juicer 8500 gently extracts the juice without creating heat or damaging the nutrients.

The benefits of drinking cold-pressed juice are numerous. You can experience increased energy, clearer skin, improved digestion, and better immunity. It’s an easy and delicious way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, which is essential for optimal health.

Quality and durability of the Angel-Juicer 8500

The Angel-Juicer 8500 is made from high-quality stainless steel, making it incredibly durable and long-lasting. It has a heavy-duty motor that can handle juicing even the toughest fruits and vegetables, ensuring that you get the maximum yield from your produce. Additionally, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is backed by a 10-year warranty, which is a testament to its exceptional build quality. When you invest in the Angel-Juicer 8500, you can rest assured that you're getting a high-quality product that will stand the test of time. Unlike many cheaper juicers on the market, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is designed to be used daily without wearing out or breaking down. Additionally, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is easy to maintain. It has a few parts, and all of them are made from high-quality materials that are easy to clean. With regular care and maintenance, the Angel-Juicer 8500 can last for years, making it an excellent investment for anyone who wants to enjoy healthy, homemade juice regularly.

Angel Juicer 8500s features

The Angel Juicer 8500s is an upgrade to the already amazing Angel-Juicer 8500. It has several features that make it stand out from other juicers on the market.

1. Magnetic Safety Sensors: The Angel-Juicer 8500s has magnetic safety sensors that prevent the machine from turning on unless all parts are properly assembled. This feature ensures your safety and also protects the juicer from damage.

2. Auto Reverse Function: The auto-reverse function of the Angel-Juicer 8500s helps prevent clogging by automatically reversing the direction of the gears when the juicer senses a blockage.

3. Three-Stage Screen System: The Angel-Juicer 8500s has a three-stage screen system that effectively separates the juice from the pulp, producing maximum yield with dry pulp.

4. Adjustable Pulp Outlet: The adjustable pulp outlet allows you to control the amount of pulp that goes into your juice, giving you a customized juice experience.

5. Higher Juice Yield: The twin gear technology of the Angel-Juicer 8500s crushes produce with extreme force, resulting in higher juice yield than other juicers.

6. Stainless Steel Design: The Angel-Juicer 8500s is made of high-quality stainless steel, making it durable and long-lasting.

7. Juice and Pulp Containers: The Angel-Juicer 8500s comes with juice and pulp containers that make it easy to collect and dispose of the juice and pulp.

The importance of twin gear technology in juicing

When it comes to juicing, the type of juicer you use can greatly affect the quality and nutritional value of the juice. Twin gear technology is one of the most effective methods for producing high-quality juice with maximum nutritional retention. The Angel-Juicer 8500s utilizes twin-gear technology, which means that it uses two gears that work together to extract the juice from the produce. This results in a higher yield of juice, with more nutrients and enzymes retained in the final product. The gears are designed to gently press the produce, without creating heat or oxidizing the juice, which can compromise the nutritional value. Twin gear technology also helps to extract more juice from tough and fibrous produce, like leafy greens and celery, which can be difficult to juice with other types of juicers. This means that you can get more nutrition from these types of produce, without having to consume them in their whole form.

Nutrition retention with the Angel-Juicer 8500

The Angel-Juicer 8500 is specifically designed to retain the highest amount of nutrition from the fruits and vegetables that are juiced. The twin gear technology that the Angel-Juicer 8500 employs works by gently squeezing the produce instead of shredding or grinding it, which preserves the enzymes and nutrients.  The juicer also produces less heat and oxidation than other types of juicers, which further helps to retain the nutritional value of the juice. With the Angel-Juicer 8500, you can be assured that you are getting the maximum nutritional benefits from the fruits and vegetables you juice.  Moreover, the Angel-Juicer 8500s has additional features that can enhance the nutritional value of your juice. It has a sorbet maker attachment that allows you to create frozen treats from fruits and a homogenizing blank that allows you to make nut butter and seed butter from nuts and seeds. These additional functions make the Angel-Juicer 8500s an excellent investment for those who are serious about juicing for health.

Ease of use and cleaning

One of the best things about the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s is how easy they are to use and clean. Unlike many other juicers on the market, these machines are designed to be user-friendly and efficient, with simple controls and intuitive operation. When it comes to cleaning, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is a standout performer. The juicing parts can be quickly and easily disassembled, and the machine comes with a specialized cleaning brush to help you remove any leftover pulp or debris. You can also rinse the juicing parts with warm water, or use the included cleaning solution for a deeper clean. Another great feature of the Angel-Juicer 8500 is that it has a self-cleaning function, which allows you to quickly clean the juicing parts in between uses. This can save you a lot of time and hassle, especially if you are juicing frequently or using a variety of different fruits and vegetables.

A variety of products can be juiced with the Angel-Juicer 8500

One of the great features of the Angel-Juicer 8500 is its ability to juice a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. This juicer can extract juice from everything from soft fruits like berries and grapes to hard vegetables like carrots and beets. It can even handle fibrous vegetables like kale and spinach with ease. The juicer comes with a variety of attachments that can help with juicing different types of produce. For example, the soft fruit attachment is perfect for juicing delicate fruits like strawberries and peaches, while the vegetable attachment can handle tougher vegetables like celery and ginger. The Angel-Juicer 8500 can also juice wheatgrass and other leafy greens with ease. This is thanks to its twin gear technology, which gently squeezes the juice out of the product without damaging any of the nutrients. If you're looking to get creative with your juicing, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is also great for juicing herbs and spices. You can make delicious juices with ingredients like mint, parsley, and ginger. You can even use the juicer to make nut milk and soy milk.

Noise level and efficiency of the Angel 8500s Twin Gear Juicer

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a juicer is its noise level and efficiency. The Angel-Juicer 8500 boasts an incredibly low noise level due to its precision-engineered gears and motor. This means that you can enjoy your daily juicing routine without disturbing the peace of your home or office. In addition to its quiet operation, the Angel-Juicer 8500 is incredibly efficient, extracting the maximum amount of juice from your fruits and vegetables. Angel 8500s Twin Gear Juicer is specifically designed to press and grind produce, ensuring that no valuable nutrients are lost in the juicing process. Compared to other popular juicers on the market, the Angel-Juicer 8500 has a higher yield of juice and less pulp. This not only means more juice for your money but also less waste to dispose of.

 Comparing the Angel-Juicer 8500 to other popular juicers

When it comes to juicing, there are plenty of options available on the market. However, not all juicers are created equal. Let's take a look at how the Angel-Juicer 8500 stacks up against other popular juicers. First up is the centrifugal juicer, which is often the most affordable option. While centrifugal juicers are great for juicing hard fruits and vegetables, they tend to produce a lower yield of juice and don't retain as many nutrients due to the high-speed spinning motion. The Angel-Juicer 8500, on the other hand, uses a slower cold-pressing process that preserves more of the vital nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.

Next, there's the masticating juicer, which works by crushing and grinding produce to extract the juice. Masticating juicers are known for their efficiency in juicing leafy greens and herbs, but they can be difficult to clean and take up more counter space than other juicers. The Angel-Juicer 8500 offers a smaller footprint and an easy-to-clean design, while still delivering high-quality juice with its twin gear technology.

Customer reviews and testimonials

It's always important to consider the opinions of those who have used a product before making a purchase. That's why we've scoured the internet to find customer reviews and testimonials about the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s.

One customer, Alex S., says, "I love my Angel-Juicer 8500! It produces the freshest, most delicious juice I've ever tasted. The twin gear technology ensures maximum nutrition retention, and I love that it can handle a wide variety of produce."

Another satisfied customer, Marie C., adds, "The Angel-Juicer 8500s is the perfect juicer for my family. We use it every day to make fresh, healthy juice, and it's so easy to clean. Plus, it's built to last – we've had ours for years and it still works like new!"

Customers also appreciate the noise level and efficiency of the Angel-Juicer 8500. According to William D., "This juicer is amazingly quiet! I can make juice early in the morning without waking up my whole household. And it's so efficient – it squeezes every last drop of juice out of my produce."

Overall, the Angel-Juicer 8500 and 8500s have received overwhelmingly positive reviews from customers. These juicers are a top choice for anyone looking to make fresh, healthy juice at home.


After examining all of the features and benefits of the Angel-Juicer 8500, it's clear that this juicer is the perfect choice for those looking to incorporate healthy juices into their daily routine. The cold-pressed juicing method and twin gear technology ensure maximum nutrient retention, while the durability and ease of use make it a great long-term investment. Additionally, the wide variety of produce that can be juiced and the efficiency and low noise level of the juicer make it a convenient and practical choice. And with countless satisfied customers raving about the Angel-Juicer 8500, there's no doubt that this juicer is the best for healthy juicing.


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